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EBS (electronic braking system) is the upgrade of ABS system (or ABS/ESC system), the electronic control of air brakes instead of the traditional air-controlled air brakes, electronic control unit is used to control the braking force and the distribution of braking force of each axle, eliminating the disadvantages that the pneumatic braking system of the pressure growth time is too long, the distribution of braking force is not compatible with the load, and the uneven friction of the brake shoes, and improving the braking safety. As a new-generation commercial vehicle braking platform, EBS integrates ABS and ASR functions. In addition, with only a few additional components, it can be expanded on the basis of EBS to realize advanced vehicle control functions such as Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Hill Start Assist (HSA), External Brake Request (XBR), Electronic Brake force Limitation (EBL), Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB), Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and so on.






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