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Medium & Heavy duty transmission


1) Reliable structure

The unique 13 forward gears powertrain fills the gap in the market, and it is the first time to adopt "7×2-1" main and aux. box structure, which is easy to operate.

2) Good comfort and high reliability

Reasonable speed ratio difference, economy and energy-saving, smooth driving; based on Fast's 12-speed transmission platform, the product is mature and reliable.

3) Wide speed ratio range

The first gear speed ratio of 15.68 can meet the demand of heavy-duty vehicle, and load more at low speed; the over-drive gear speed ratio of 0.78 can meet the demand of high-speed driving, and the empty vehicle can run fast. The speed ratio range is 20.1, taking into account the power and fuel economy of the vehicle, meeting China VI vehicle emission standards

4) Lightweight design

Aluminum alloy main box + iron casting aux. box (358kg)

5) Good adaptability

PTO and retarder can be matched at the same time






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